The group expressed their disappointment in their latest report
A group of time-travellers have returned from the year 2025 to deliver what they call a “disastrous” report.
According to the group, who recently journeyed forward in time via their state-of-the-art time machine, 2025 has proved to be a year full of missed chances and disappointments.
“We honestly thought it would be a whole new world,” said Mr Fleeting McPast, the leader of the group.
“We thought we’d see cities in the sky or maybe teleportation hubs. But instead the cities are just full of even more electric scooters.
“And don’t even get me started on the new iPhone. It looks suspiciously like the current model.”
Despite the flying cards and world-saving technology promised decades ago, the group found themselves surrounded by mundane developments that fell short of their hopes.
“We were told that climate change would be solved with advancements in technology this year, but the breakthrough of the year is… an eco-friendly toothpaste.”
The group’s disappointment didn’t end there. They found the cultural landscape equally uninspiring.
“The music? Still the same old stuff. Sure, there are new artists, but they’re just recycling the tunes from previous years.”
For now, the group have returned to their base in the Greater Sandford area to plan their next move.
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